Minecraft Offhand Slot Id
Slot.weapon.offhand: slot.enderchest.slotnumber. 置き換え先のアイテムを ID で指定する。. /replaceitem entity @p slot.hotbar.8 minecraft. I'm pretty sure he's trying to find the ID number of the off hand slot, so he can call Inventory#setItem. You can find this pretty easily by making an event listener that prints the clicked slot to console when a player clicks in an inventory. MC-137946 - Loaded crossbow model placement issue when holding another crossbow in the offhand slot MC-137783 - Trident and bow uses crossbow animation when wielding a crossbow in your offhand MC-137572 - Loom consumes two banners.
- /scoreboard players set @a nightvision 4 {Inventory:[{id:'minecraft:diamond_hoe',Slot:-106b,Damage:634s}]}
- /scoreboard players remove @a[score_nightvision_min=1] nightvision 1
- /effect @a[score_nightvision_min=2] minecraft:night_vision 20 1 true
- /effect @a[score_nightvision=1,score_nightvision_min=1] minecraft:night_vision 0 0
- /scoreboard players tag @a add jumpboost {Inventory:[{id:'minecraft:rabbit_foot',Slot:-106b}]}
- /effect @a[tag=jumpboost] minecraft:jump_boost 5 2
- /title @a[tag=jumpboost] title [{'text':' '}]
- /title @a[tag=jumpboost] subtitle [{'text':'Jump Boost for 5 Seconds! '}]
- /replaceitem entity @a[tag=jumpboost] slot.weapon.offhand air
- scoreboard players tag @a[tag=jumpboost] remove jumpboost
- /scoreboard players tag @a add minimap {Inventory:[{id:'minecraft:filled_map',Slot:-106b,Damage:5000s}]}
- /replaceitem entity @a[tag=minimap] slot.weapon.offhand air
- /scoreboard players tag @a[tag=minimap] remove minimap
- tag:{display:{Name:'key'}}
- /scoreboard players set @a batmobile 4 {Inventory:[{id:'minecraft:diamond_hoe',Slot:-106b,Damage:634s}]}
- scoreboard players add @a[score_batmobile=5] batmobile 2 {SelectedItem:{id:minecraft:stone_hoe,tag:{display:{Name:'Batmobile Keys'}}}}
- testfor @p {SelectedItem:{tag:{display:{Name:'Batmobile Keys'}}}}
Minecraft Offhand Slot Id
Slot.weapon.offhand: slot.enderchest.slotnumber. 置き換え先のアイテムを ID で指定する。. /replaceitem entity @p slot.hotbar.8 minecraft. I'm pretty sure he's trying to find the ID number of the off hand slot, so he can call Inventory#setItem. You can find this pretty easily by making an event listener that prints the clicked slot to console when a player clicks in an inventory. MC-137946 - Loaded crossbow model placement issue when holding another crossbow in the offhand slot MC-137783 - Trident and bow uses crossbow animation when wielding a crossbow in your offhand MC-137572 - Loom consumes two banners.
- /scoreboard players set @a nightvision 4 {Inventory:[{id:'minecraft:diamond_hoe',Slot:-106b,Damage:634s}]}
- /scoreboard players remove @a[score_nightvision_min=1] nightvision 1
- /effect @a[score_nightvision_min=2] minecraft:night_vision 20 1 true
- /effect @a[score_nightvision=1,score_nightvision_min=1] minecraft:night_vision 0 0
- /scoreboard players tag @a add jumpboost {Inventory:[{id:'minecraft:rabbit_foot',Slot:-106b}]}
- /effect @a[tag=jumpboost] minecraft:jump_boost 5 2
- /title @a[tag=jumpboost] title [{'text':' '}]
- /title @a[tag=jumpboost] subtitle [{'text':'Jump Boost for 5 Seconds! '}]
- /replaceitem entity @a[tag=jumpboost] slot.weapon.offhand air
- scoreboard players tag @a[tag=jumpboost] remove jumpboost
- /scoreboard players tag @a add minimap {Inventory:[{id:'minecraft:filled_map',Slot:-106b,Damage:5000s}]}
- /replaceitem entity @a[tag=minimap] slot.weapon.offhand air
- /scoreboard players tag @a[tag=minimap] remove minimap
- tag:{display:{Name:'key'}}
- /scoreboard players set @a batmobile 4 {Inventory:[{id:'minecraft:diamond_hoe',Slot:-106b,Damage:634s}]}
- scoreboard players add @a[score_batmobile=5] batmobile 2 {SelectedItem:{id:minecraft:stone_hoe,tag:{display:{Name:'Batmobile Keys'}}}}
- testfor @p {SelectedItem:{tag:{display:{Name:'Batmobile Keys'}}}}